
EasyPop® Pouch Bag for solid products

The EasyPop sachet is a recyclable, sustainable package designed for solid products, offering an easy-open, enjoyable consumer use experience for products such as candies, pet foods, nuts, personal care items, household goods and many other consumer products.
(1:08 minutes)
Packaging design technology in this video is patent-protected.

EasyPop® Sachet Sequence for liquid products

The EasyPop sachet is a multi-use, recyclable, sustainable package designed for liquids and flowable products, offering an easy-open, enjoyable consumer use experience for sauces, condiments, detergents, personal care lotions and many other products.
(3:31 minutes)
Packaging design technology in this video is patent-protected.

EasyPop® Team Overview

Overview of the packaging development team, including activities, research, package engineering, retrofitting, and the prototype development process.
(4:52 minutes)
Packaging design technology in this video is patent-protected.

EasyPop® – Multivac StickPack Production

Packaging production demonstration of StickPack packages produced on a MULTIVAC horizontal thermoform packaging machine.
(2:00 minutes)
Packaging design technology in this video is patent-protected.

EasyPop® for PopPack – Just for the fun of it!

Consumers of all ages enjoy opening packages with PopPack – a multi-sensory experience.
(3:07 minutes)
Packaging design technology in this video is patent-protected.

EasyPop® – Dr. Diao, A hand-surgeon’s view

Hand surgeon, Dr. Diao (UCSF Medical Center, USA), speaks about the consumer benefits and ergonomics for all ages and abilities.
(2:27 minutes)
Packaging design technology in this video is patent-protected.